As I walk in a world created by my God, but tainted by my sin, I find it behooves me to share some of my struggle, my success, my failure. But most of all, I find a world which desperately needs guidance. In a world overgrown by vines of sin, we must equip ourselves with swords to find and keep THE path. Our sword is of the spirit, the Holy Words of God.

Rom 13:8 MKJV (8) Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves another has fulfilled the Law.
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Location: Bryan, Texas, United States

Sometimes adrift, sometimes solid in foundation and steady with a course. I'm prone to shift interests like that big eye in Lord of the Rings. I was born and raised in the high plains of Texas. I have a beautiful wife Kim, an equally beautiful little girl, Audrey, and a great little boy, Bruce.

Friday, October 01, 2004

If All was Irrelevant

I read on a blog, and I have seen the idea before, that religion is tearing this world apart. The article questioned the freedom Christianity gives.

Some argue that having faith or religious beliefs is a crutch of the mind, or even chains on the mind. I have been asked to wake up and see the world for what it is, and understand that faith keeps us from enjoying life. Some argue that we chain ourselves down with faith to feel more comfortable with our narrow mindedness or prejudices. I have heard it said that religion simply comforts those that can't deal with reality.

So what is freedom? The Bible tells us

Joh 8:32 MKJV
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Isn't that what everyone is searching for? Truth?

So, in a purely world view, are Christians better off in this world in their faith? I was driving home last night thinking about life. What if you knew there was no afterlife? Would this make life on earth personally more satisfying? Does it make you more free? Let me illustrate my view.

If there is no afterlife, I am suddenly free to do as I please without eternal consequence. No set of morals are true anymore. But then think about the constraints of this world. We are forced to go to school. We are forced to work for food and shelter. We are forced to follow the rules. If we don't follow these guidelines, there would be immediate consequences, no food, no home, maybe even prison. And for what? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Suddenly I feel suffocated. Life is simply to die. To be good means nothing, to be bad means nothing. Sounds hopeless. Life without morals, and without hope, but the ability to understand both, would lead to suicide for most.

What would be the purpose of helping someone, going out your way? It means nothing. Someone might say, "it's just nice," but who is to say what's nice? Where did you get that idea? Are you born with it? Were you taught it?

If the world suddenly knew there was no afterlife, in just a few generations, we would be reduced to snarling animals simply fulfilling desires. If many believe in an afterlife, and we still have the corruption we have today, what would change if no one believed in an afterlife? Corruption, greed, crime, selfishness would abound. (for the sake of arguing, let's say religion spawns morals.) See, life without morals is a destructive path. Even life with contradicting morals only gets you so far. Not everyone will have the same set of morals. That's our problem today. What's good for the goose won't be good for the gander.

Why? Because I believe it is only our thoughts of morality and goodness, which are bred from faith, that keep people in check. But if our faith is not in the same things, we will have strife.

This is a very worldly view of faith and it's affect and benefit on the world.


Blogger Jacob said...

Good thoughts here. I've often thought about this myself, but, since I have been a Christian for my whole life, I have a difficult time envisioning what exactly goes on in the mind of a non-believer. I don't know how I would cope for a second without (a) some ultimate sense of right and wrong, good and evil, as well as justice; and (b) a knowledge that, even though I have horribly tread on the side of evil in my life, I have a savior who has rescued me from that. Without either (a) or (b), this life would be pretty scary!

Jacob Gerber

4:02 PM  
Blogger MC Hendrick said...

Kinda gives a little meat to the "the blind shall see" doesn't it. I mean, we have seen the world for so long, it's hard to imagine a viewpoint from the other side. If you're interested, the blog I read was

I may link it from this site. Thanks for your comments!

7:12 AM  

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