As I walk in a world created by my God, but tainted by my sin, I find it behooves me to share some of my struggle, my success, my failure. But most of all, I find a world which desperately needs guidance. In a world overgrown by vines of sin, we must equip ourselves with swords to find and keep THE path. Our sword is of the spirit, the Holy Words of God.

Rom 13:8 MKJV (8) Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves another has fulfilled the Law.
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Location: Bryan, Texas, United States

Sometimes adrift, sometimes solid in foundation and steady with a course. I'm prone to shift interests like that big eye in Lord of the Rings. I was born and raised in the high plains of Texas. I have a beautiful wife Kim, an equally beautiful little girl, Audrey, and a great little boy, Bruce.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Holy Moley

Seemed like that's all I said Saturday.

I decided sometime during the week to head to a state park called Palo Duro Canyon. I think it's suppose to be the second largest canyon in the US. Anyway, forecasters predicted a great Saturday, so I decided to go. It's about 2 hours north from where I live but my dad's house is only about 20 minutes from the canyon. So I invited my mom and three younger sisters to go hiking with me. My wife was working so I took my little girl and let dad watch her while we hike.

Well, 6:00 am Saturday morning came with the clock radio in my ear. Holy moley, I felt like my eyes had closed for just a few moments. After a little orange juice and sunlight, I felt much better. So I get to dad's house. The girls were suppose to be waiting for me, but of course, were still half asleep and dragging. Holy moley, it took them forever to get ready.

So we finally get into the canyon and we're gonna hike to the top. I start the hike saying I had seen evidence of cougars, deer, goat, and various other wildlife, but never actually seen the wildlife. Big mistake. No sooner had I said that when on of the girls nearly steps on a snake. Holy moley, but it was just a bull snake, non-poisonous. So later we finally reach the top. That climb took the energy out of me. Another holy moley. After a quick snack we begin walking the rim to make our way back down. I lead the pack and start down this cutaway in a rock wall. I am about ten feet down from the top when something hisses at me. This hiss sounds like a dang wildcat, but I, aware of the surroundings, realize there's no place for a cat to hide here. Which leaves one animal, another snake. So I quickly turn around and start back up the cliff. That's when the rattling starts. I don't know if you have ever heard a rattlesnake's rattle. I have heard a few. It's not a speedy succession of noise, like a baby rattle. A rattler makes a somewhat slow, very distinguished sound. It's cadence is similar to a bartender making a shaken martini. Very calculated, very deliberate. Let's say, when a rattler is rattling, it's not a result of shaking with fear, it's trying to put the fear in you. Well, I would be lying if I told you I only said holy moley. I think an explicit word or two came out of my mouth. Something about snakes really spook me. I would rather encounter a four legged beast than a poisonous snake. I know, I know, the snake is probably more predictable than say a mountain lion. Either way, another holy moley. We eventually find another way down, see a deer on the way, but encounter nothing else. We get to the car, sit in the AC for a moment before leaving. Whew, holy moley that was a workout.

So on the drive back, the conversation turns to Christianity, as it so often does with my family. Well, I told my mom basically what my last couple of posts here have covered. I told her that I don't feel saved, I only have faith. I told her I have questioned much of what I was taught, just so I could be honest with myself. SHE AGREED WITH MUCH OF WHAT I SAID. She told me that her church recently built a gym on the premises. When they were deciding if to build, a person would stand up and say let's pray about it. My mom found that a bit irritating. She didn't think the person would get some holy revelation regarding the gym. She's not questioning God's ability to speak to people through or as a result of prayer. She simply wished people would be honest. Just say you want a gym to play in. Don't hem haw around about it. Don't pretend that you're being led by God to build a gym. Whether or not I agree with that sentiment, I was still amazed. Wow, she stunned me. I never expected that. Holy moley.


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