As I walk in a world created by my God, but tainted by my sin, I find it behooves me to share some of my struggle, my success, my failure. But most of all, I find a world which desperately needs guidance. In a world overgrown by vines of sin, we must equip ourselves with swords to find and keep THE path. Our sword is of the spirit, the Holy Words of God.

Rom 13:8 MKJV (8) Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves another has fulfilled the Law.
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Location: Bryan, Texas, United States

Sometimes adrift, sometimes solid in foundation and steady with a course. I'm prone to shift interests like that big eye in Lord of the Rings. I was born and raised in the high plains of Texas. I have a beautiful wife Kim, an equally beautiful little girl, Audrey, and a great little boy, Bruce.

Friday, March 18, 2005

I've Been Wondering

Posted by Hello How much of our brain are we suppose to use. I mean, what did God intend? Some experts say we use about 5% of our total capacity. Those stats remind me of Homer Simpson. Are we destined to walk around like Homer Simpson?

But I want to focus more on our life in relation to God. How many of you pray about most things in your life? Let me give a couple of examples. Are you the type who might be caught saying "Lord, help me decide if I should get the OJ or coffee this morning at the gas station?" OK, sorry for the bad example. Perhaps you pray "Lord, should I get this dvd player or save my money for now?" Still not serious enough? How about praying about buying a new vehicle? A new house?

I use to argue that our walk should be spiritual and that God wants to be involved or consulted on every decision. However, my stance never addressed the problem of not hearing God talk back. A good friend of mine understands the bible to be God's complete will for our life. Emphasis on complete. Ooo, we use to go around and around about this. However, I am coming around to his point of view.

I think there are those who may need to feel God is in every aspect of their life. Is this a crutch? Is this a bad thing? I have no idea. However, I don't guess I've ever heard God whisper in my ear. So I've quit asking. But, I can tell you there are certain events in my life that have led me down, I believe, God inspired paths. I've been laid off of jobs and as a result, gotten better ones. A great dane I owned led me to my wife. etc etc. I came to the conclusion that God kinda leads me if He needs my direction changed. I feel sorta like a kid learning to ride a bike. You know the picture, where the dad is running behind making sure you don't veer off and get smashed by a garbage truck or something.

So perhaps God wants us to use the brain He gave us. Maybe God says, "you figure it out", or "that's not important." Maybe God wants to be in every aspect of our life. Well, I see a path, and I go. But God kinda nudges me in one way or the other. I guess all I pray is "God, keep me safe and I'm sorry if I screw up." That's all I know to pray.


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