As I walk in a world created by my God, but tainted by my sin, I find it behooves me to share some of my struggle, my success, my failure. But most of all, I find a world which desperately needs guidance. In a world overgrown by vines of sin, we must equip ourselves with swords to find and keep THE path. Our sword is of the spirit, the Holy Words of God.

Rom 13:8 MKJV (8) Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves another has fulfilled the Law.
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Location: Bryan, Texas, United States

Sometimes adrift, sometimes solid in foundation and steady with a course. I'm prone to shift interests like that big eye in Lord of the Rings. I was born and raised in the high plains of Texas. I have a beautiful wife Kim, an equally beautiful little girl, Audrey, and a great little boy, Bruce.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I am Voltron

I used to love this guy as a kid. Well, I guess it was made of several guys. Anytime something from space would threaten the existence of this planet these guys would come to the rescue. Five different cat robots would fight the enemy, realize they couldn't do it as individuals, so they would join together into this giant robot, yelling "Voltron, defender of the universe!" I loved this cartoon as much as my chocolate chip cookies. I would pretend to slash at my enemies with this "blazing sword" for hours as a kid.

Well, unfortunately for me and those in my wake, I took this same cavalier attitude in my spiritual life. Anytime someone threatened my doctrine or beliefs, it was time to "FORM BLAZING SWORD!" As Voltron would say. I then would chop my enemies down until I felt like Leo Decaprio yelling, "I'm king of the world."

Needless to say (although I'll say it), I had the wrong attitude. Folks, although I have in the past, I don't pretend to know all the right answers. How can I? You see one godly preacher saying and believing one thing, you see another preaching something else. I don't imagine one is any less godly than the other. Yet, each feels spiritually led to a certain conclusion. Something about that forces me to let go of my pride. Which I think is a good thing.Posted by Hello


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